Qt Commercial Installation Commands


  • You can only install for the OS running the CLI

  • All commands require authentication:

    • It first looks into the folder of your OS where the file qtaccount.ini can be:

      • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Qt\qtaccount.ini

      • Linux: /home/<username>/.local/share/Qt/qtaccount.ini

      • MacOS: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Qt/qtaccount.ini

    This file is automatically created when you use the MaintenanceTool binary and log in using the GUI. It is also created the first time you use the CLI or any mean to authenticate. You can simply copy the file that you have on your PC to your CI server, it will work across platforms. Just treat it as a password. Refer to this page for more details.

    • It will also check the value of the environment variable QT_INSTALLER_JWT_TOKEN and use the token if provided.

    • If neither are present, you will need to provide --user <email> --password <password>. Note that if --user and --password are provided, they will supersede the qtaccount.ini and the JWT token account. Those also get superseded by --override --email --pw in the CLI


Install Qt commercial packages using the official Qt installer.

aqt install-qt-commercial <target> <arch> <version> [options]


  • target - Target platform (desktop, android, ios)

  • arch - Target architecture

  • version - Qt version to install


  • --user <username> - Qt account username

  • --password <password> - Qt account password

  • --modules <module1> <module2> ... - Additional Qt modules to install

    • Very broad meaning, aka packages or components (see here). Extensions, wasm, src… are ‘modules’

    • If none are inputed, the package qtX.Y.Z-essentials is downloaded (default Qt install, includes qtcreator…)

    • If all is inputed, the package qtX.Y.Z-full is downloaded (includes everything)

  • --outputdir <path> - Installation directory (default: current directory)

  • --override <args...> - Pass all remaining arguments directly to the Qt installer CLI


Search available Qt commercial packages.

aqt list-qt-commercial [search_terms] [options]


  • --user <username> - Qt account username

  • --password <password> - Qt account password

  • search_terms - Terms to search for in package names (grabs all that is not other options)

Override Mode

install-qt-commercial supports an override mode that passes all arguments after --override directly to the Qt installer CLI, and will ignore all the other params except --user and --password if given prior to it

aqt install-qt-commercial --override [installer_args... --email email --pw password]
aqt install-qt-commercial --user user --password pass --override [installer_args...]

When using override mode:

  • All standard command options are ignored

  • Arguments are passed directly to the Qt installer

  • The --email/--pw flags in the override arguments are used for authentication

  • Regular --user/--password can still provide fallback authentication

  • More info here


# Standard installation
aqt install-qt-commercial desktop linux_gcc_64 6.8.0 --user user@example.com --password pass

# Installation with modules
aqt install-qt-commercial desktop linux_gcc_64 6.8.0 --user user@example.com --password pass --modules qtcharts qtnetworkauth

# List packages containing 'wasm'
aqt list-qt-commercial wasm --user user@example.com --password pass

# Override mode
aqt install-qt-commercial --override install qt.qt6.680.gcc_64 --email user@example.com --pw pass

Advanced configs

The file located in ./aqt/settings.ini can be edited in the [qtcommercial] part to fine tune the official installer (more details here):

unattended : True # Removes needs of user interaction, and simplifies the --override option as well by passing flags by default to remain unattended
installer_timeout : 1800
operation_does_not_exist_error : Ignore
overwrite_target_directory : No
stop_processes_for_updates : Ignore
installation_error_with_cancel : Ignore
installation_error_with_ignore : Ignore
associate_common_filetypes : Yes
telemetry : No
cache_path : # When empty, will use ~/.local/share/aqt/cache or equivalent for your OS
temp_dir : # When empty, will use ~/.local/share/aqt/tmp or equivalent for your OS