Getting Started

aqt is a tool that can be used to install Qt, modules, tools related to Qt, source, docs, and examples, available at Before running aqt, you will need to tell aqt exactly what you want it to install. This section of the documentation is meant to walk you through the process of finding out what packages are available to aqt, so you can tell aqt what you want to install.

Please note that every aqt subcommand has a --help option; please use it if you are having trouble!

Installing Qt

General usage of aqt looks like this:

aqt install-qt <host> <target> (<Qt version> | <spec>) [<arch>]

If you have installed aqt with pip, you can run it with the command script aqt, but in some cases you may need to run it as python -m aqt. Some older operating systems may require you to specify Python version 3, like this: python3 -m aqt.

To use aqt to install Qt, you will need to tell aqt four things:

  1. The host operating system (windows, mac, linux, linux_arm64, or all_os for Qt 6.7+)

  2. The target SDK (desktop, android, ios, winrt, or wasm for Qt 6.7+)

  3. The version of Qt you would like to install

  4. The target architecture

Keep in mind that Qt for IOS is only available on Mac OS, and Qt for WinRT is only available on Windows.

In current versions of Qt, mac binaries are universal. As of Qt 6.7.0, Linux desktop now supports the arm64 architecture. This is implemented as a new host type - linux is amd64, linux_arm64 is arm64.

As of Qt 6.7.0, the WASM architecture can be installed using all_os as host and wasm as target.

To find out what versions of Qt are available, you can use the aqt list-qt command. This command will print all versions of Qt available for Windows Desktop:

$ aqt list-qt windows desktop
5.9.0 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4 5.9.5 5.9.6 5.9.7 5.9.8 5.9.9
5.10.0 5.10.1
5.11.0 5.11.1 5.11.2 5.11.3
5.12.0 5.12.1 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.12.4 5.12.5 5.12.6 5.12.7 5.12.8 5.12.9 5.12.10 5.12.11 5.12.12
5.13.0 5.13.1 5.13.2
5.14.0 5.14.1 5.14.2
5.15.0 5.15.1 5.15.2
6.0.0 6.0.1 6.0.2 6.0.3 6.0.4
6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3
6.2.0 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4
6.3.0 6.3.1 6.3.2
6.4.0 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3
6.5.0 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3
6.6.0 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3
6.7.0 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3
6.8.0 6.8.1

Notice that the version numbers are sorted, grouped by minor version number, and separated by a single space-character. The output of all of the aqt list-qt commands is intended to make it easier for you to write programs that consume the output of aqt list-qt.

Because the aqt list-qt command directly queries the Qt downloads repository at, the results of this command will always be accurate. The Available Qt versions wiki page was last modified at some point in the past, so it may or may not be up to date.

Now that we know what versions of Qt are available, let’s choose version 6.8.0.

The next thing we need to do is find out what architectures are available for Qt 6.8.0 for Windows Desktop. To do this, we can use aqt list-qt with the --arch flag:

$ aqt list-qt windows desktop --arch 6.8.0
win64_llvm_mingw win64_mingw win64_msvc2022_64 win64_msvc2022_arm64_cross_compiled

Notice that this is a very small subset of the architectures listed in the Available Qt versions wiki page. If we need to use some architecture that is not on this list, we can use the Available Qt versions wiki page to get a rough idea of what versions support the architecture we want, and then use aqt list-qt to confirm that the architecture is available.

Let’s say that we want to install Qt 6.8.0 with architecture win64_mingw. The installation command we need is:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 6.8.0 win64_mingw

Let’s say that we want to install the next version of Qt 6.8 as soon as it is available. We can do this by using a SimpleSpec instead of an explicit version:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 6.8 win64_mingw

As of Qt 6.7.0, arm64 architecture is now supported for linux desktop. It is implemented using both a different host (linux_arm64) and architecture (linux_gcc_arm64).

$ aqt install-qt linux_arm64 desktop 6.7.0 linux_gcc_arm64

As of Qt 6.7.0, the WASM architecture can be installed using all_os as host and wasm as target. The available architectures are wasm_singlethread and wasm_multithread

$ aqt install-qt all_os wasm 6.7.0 wasm_singlethread

External 7-zip extractor

By default, aqt extracts the 7zip archives stored in the Qt repository using py7zr, which is installed alongside aqt. You can specify an alternate 7zip command path instead by using the -E or --external flag. For example, you could use 7-zip on a Windows desktop, using this command:

C:\> aqt install-qt windows desktop 6.8.0 win64_msvc2022_64 --external 7za.exe

On Linux, you can specify p7zip, a Linux port of 7-zip, which is often installed by default, using this command:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 6.8.0 linux_gcc_64 --external 7z

Changing the output directory

By default, aqt will install all of the Qt packages into the current working directory, in the subdirectory ./<Qt version>/<arch>/. For example, if we install Qt 6.8.0 for Windows desktop with arch win64_mingw, it would end up in ./6.8.0/win64_mingw.

If you would prefer to install it to another location, you will need to use the -O or --outputdir flag. This option also works for all of the other subcommands that begin with aqt install-.

To install to C:\Qt, the default directory used by the standard gui installer, you may use this command:

C:\> mkdir Qt
C:\> aqt install-qt --outputdir c:\Qt windows desktop 6.8.0 win64_mingw

Installing Modules

Let’s say we need to install some modules for Qt 5.15.2 on Windows Desktop. First we need to find out what the modules are called, and we can do that with aqt list-qt with the --modules flag. Each version of Qt has a different list of modules for each host OS/ target SDK/ architecture combination, so we will need to supply aqt list-qt with that information:

$ aqt list-qt windows desktop --modules 5.15.2 win64_mingw81
qtcharts qtdatavis3d qtlottie qtnetworkauth qtpurchasing qtquick3d
qtquicktimeline qtscript qtvirtualkeyboard qtwebengine qtwebglplugin

Let’s say that we want to know more about these modules before we install them. We can use the --long-modules flag for that:

$ aqt list-qt windows desktop --long-modules 5.15.2 win64_mingw81
   Module Name                         Display Name
debug_info          Desktop MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit Debug Information Files
qtcharts            Qt Charts for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtdatavis3d         Qt Data Visualization for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtlottie            Qt Lottie Animation for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtnetworkauth       Qt Network Authorization for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtpurchasing        Qt Purchasing for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtquick3d           Qt Quick 3D for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtquicktimeline     Qt Quick Timeline for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtscript            Qt Script for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtvirtualkeyboard   Qt Virtual Keyboard for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit
qtwebglplugin       Qt WebGL Streaming Plugin for MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit

Note that if your terminal is wider than 95 characters, this command will show release dates and sizes in extra columns to the right. If you try this, you will notice that debug_info is 5.9 gigabytes installed.

Also, notice that the ‘Display Name’ indicates which compiler the module is intended to be used with. In this case, for the architecture win64_mingw81, you will most likely want to use the “MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit” compiler. Here’s what the command prints when you use it with the ambiguously-named win64_mingw architecture:

$ python -m aqt list-qt windows desktop --long-modules 6.2.4 win64_mingw
   Module Name                         Display Name
debug_info          Desktop MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit debug information files
qt3d                Qt 3D for MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit
qt5compat           Qt 5 Compatibility Module for MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit
qtactiveqt          Qt 3D for MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit
qtcharts            Qt Charts for MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit

You can find out how to install MinGW 8.1.0 and 11.2.0 in the Installing Tools section.

Let’s say that we want to install qtcharts and qtnetworkauth. We can do that by using the -m flag with the aqt install-qt command. This flag receives the name of at least one module as an argument:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81 -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth

If we wish to install all the modules that are available, we can do that with the all keyword:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81 -m all

Remember that the aqt list-qt command is meant to be scriptable? One way to install all modules available for Qt 5.15.2 is to send the output of aqt list-qt into aqt install-qt, like this:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81 \
      -m $(aqt list-qt windows desktop --modules 5.15.2 win64_mingw81)

You will need a Unix-style shell to run this command, or at least git-bash on Windows. The xargs equivalent to this command is an exercise left to the reader.

If you want to install all available modules, you are probably better off using the all keyword, as discussed above. This scripting example is presented to give you a sense of how to accomplish something more complicated. Perhaps you want to install all modules except qtnetworkauth; you could write a script that removes qtnetworkauth from the output of aqt list-qt, and pipe that into aqt install-qt. For example:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81 \
    -m $(for mod in $(aqt list-qt windows desktop --modules 5.15.2 win64_mingw81); \
    do [[ "$mod" != "qtnetworkauth" ]] && echo -n "$mod "; done)

Installing Qt for Android

Let’s install Qt for Android. This will be similar to installing Qt for Desktop on Windows.


Versions of aqtinstall older than 3.1.0 required the use of the --extensions and --extension flag to list any architectures, modules, or archives for Qt 6 and above. These flags are no longer necessary, so please do not use them.

$ aqt list-qt windows android                           # Print Qt versions available
5.9.0 5.9.1 ...

$ aqt list-qt windows android --arch 6.2.4              # Print architectures available
android_x86_64 android_armv7 android_x86 android_arm64_v8a

$ aqt list-qt windows android --modules 6.2.4 android_armv7   # Print modules available
qt3d qt5compat qtcharts qtconnectivity qtdatavis3d ...

$ aqt install-qt windows android 6.2.4 android_armv7 -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth   # Install

Please note that when you install Qt6 for android or ios, the installation will not be functional unless you install the corresponding desktop version of Qt alongside it. You can do this automatically with the --autodesktop flag:

$ aqt install-qt linux android 6.2.4 android_armv7 -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth --autodesktop

Installing Qt for WASM

To find out how to install Qt for WASM, we will need to use the wasm_32 architecture for Qt versions <= 6.4.* For Qt versions 6.5.* and 6.6.*, we will need to use the wasm_singlethread or wasm_multithread architectures. For Qt version >= 6.7.*, we will need to use the host all_os, the target wasm, and the wasm_singlethread or wasm_multithread architectures. We can find out whether or not that architecture is available for our version of Qt with the --arch flag.

$ python -m aqt list-qt windows desktop --arch 6.1.3
win64_mingw81 win64_msvc2019_64
$ python -m aqt list-qt windows desktop --arch 6.2.0
win64_mingw81 win64_msvc2019_64 win64_msvc2019_arm64 wasm_32
$ python -m aqt list-qt windows desktop --arch 6.5.0
win64_mingw win64_msvc2019_64 win64_msvc2019_arm64 wasm_singlethread wasm_multithread
$ python -m aqt list-qt all_os wasm --arch 6.8.0
wasm_singlethread wasm_multithread

Not every version of Qt supports WASM. This command shows us that we cannot use WASM with Qt 6.1.3.

Please note that the WASM architecture for Qt 6.5.* and Qt 6.6.* changed from wasm_32 to wasm_singlethread and wasm_multithread. For Qt 6.7.* and above, you will also need to use the host all_os and target wasm. Always use aqt list-qt to check what architectures are available for the desired version of Qt.

We can check the modules available as before:

$ aqt list-qt windows desktop --modules 5.15.2 wasm_32   # available modules
qtcharts qtdatavis3d qtlottie qtnetworkauth qtpurchasing qtquicktimeline qtscript
qtvirtualkeyboard qtwebglplugin

We can install Qt for WASM as before:

$ aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 wasm_32 -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth

Please note that when you install Qt for WASM version 6 and above, the installation will not be functional unless you install a non-WASM desktop version of Qt alongside it. You can do this automatically with the --autodesktop flag:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 6.2.0 wasm_32 -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth --autodesktop
$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 6.6.0 wasm_singlethread -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth --autodesktop
$ aqt install-qt all_os wasm 6.8.0 wasm_multithread -m qtcharts qtnetworkauth --autodesktop

Installing Docs

The aqt list-doc command lists documentation archives for a given Qt version:

$ aqt list-doc mac 6.6.1
qdoc qmake qt5 qtassistant qtcmake qtconcurrent qtcore qtdbus qtdesigner
qtdistancefieldgenerator qtdoc qtgui qthelp qtlabsplatform qtlinguist qtnetwork
qtopengl qtplatformintegration qtprintsupport qtqml qtqmlcore qtqmlmodels qtqmltest
qtqmlworkerscript qtqmlxmllistmodel qtquick qtquickcontrols qtquickdialogs qtsql
qtsvg qttestlib qtuitools qtwaylandcompositor qtwidgets qtxml

All of the above archives will be installed when you run aqt install-doc mac 6.6.1 without any other flags or arguments. You can select a subset of them with the --archives flag.

The --modules flag lists additional documentation modules that can be installed:

$ aqt list-doc mac 6.6.1 --modules
qt3d qt5compat qtactiveqt qtbluetooth qtcharts qtdatavis3d qtgraphs qtgrpc qthttpserver
qtimageformats qtlocation qtlottie qtmultimedia qtnetworkauth qtnfc qtpdf qtpositioning
qtquick3d qtquick3dphysics qtquickeffectmaker qtquicktimeline qtremoteobjects qtscxml
qtsensors qtserialbus qtserialport qtshadertools qtspeech qtvirtualkeyboard qtwebchannel
qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtwebview

The --archives and --modules flags can be used together. For example, to only install the docs for qtquick and qt3d, use the aqt install-doc command like this:

$ aqt install-doc mac 6.6.1 --archives qtquick --modules qt3d
INFO    : Downloading qt3d...
INFO    : Downloading qtquick...
INFO    : Redirected:
INFO    : Redirected:
INFO    : Finished installation of qt3d-documentation.tar.xz in 1.51932292
INFO    : Finished installation of qtquick-documentation.tar.xz in 2.63531679
INFO    : Finished installation
INFO    : Time elapsed: 4.00115146 second

Installing Tools

Let’s find out what tools are available for Windows Desktop by using the aqt list-tool command:

$ aqt list-tool windows desktop

Let’s see what tool variants are available in tools_mingw:

$ aqt list-tool windows desktop tools_mingw

This gives us a list of things that we could install using aqt install-tool. Let’s see some more details, using the -l or --long flag:

$ aqt list-tool windows desktop tools_mingw -l

   Tool Variant Name            Version          Release Date
=============================================================          4.7.2-1-1              2013-07-01    4.8.0-1-1              2013-07-01   4.8.2                  2014-05-08   4.9.1-3                2016-05-31   4.9.2-1                2016-05-31   5.3.0-2                2017-04-27   7.3.0-1-202004170606   2020-04-17   8.1.0-1-202004170606   2020-04-17   7.3.0-1-202004170606   2020-04-17   8.1.0-1-202004170606   2020-04-17

The -l flag causes aqt list-tool to print a table that shows plenty of data pertinent to each tool variant available in tools_mingw. aqt list-tool additionally prints the ‘Display Name’ and ‘Description’ for each tool if your terminal is wider than 95 characters; terminals that are narrower than this cannot display this table in a readable way.

Please be aware that the tool tools_mingw90 appears to be mislabelled:

$ aqt list-tool windows desktop tools_mingw90 -l

   Tool Variant Name            Version          Release Date
=============================================================   9.0.0-1-202203221220   2022-03-22

$ aqt list-tool windows desktop tools_mingw90 -l

   Tool Variant Name            Version          Release Date      Display Name            Description
============================================================================================================   9.0.0-1-202203221220   2022-03-22     MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit   MinGW-builds 11.2.0
                                                                                      64-bit toolchain with
                                                                                      gcc 11.2.0

The ‘narrow display’ for tools_mingw90 cuts off the two columns of the table that show you what’s really in that package: MinGW 11.2.0 64-bit. If you are using the win64_mingw architecture for Qt 6.2.2+, then this is probably the compiler you want to install (see long_modules explanation).

Now let’s install mingw, using the aqt install-tool command. This command receives four parameters:

  1. The host operating system (windows, mac, linux, or linux_arm64)

  2. The target SDK (desktop, android, ios, or winrt)

  3. The name of the tool (this is tools_mingw in our case)

  4. (Optional) The tool variant name. We saw a list of these when we ran aqt list-tool with the tool name argument filled in.

To install mingw, you could use this command (please don’t):

$ aqt install-tool windows desktop tools_mingw    # please don't run this!

Using this command will install every tool variant available in tools_mingw; in this case, you would install 10 different versions of the same tool. For some tools, like qtcreator or ifw, this is an appropriate thing to do, since each tool variant is a different program. However, for tools like mingw and vcredist, it would make more sense to use aqt list-tool to see what tool variants are available, and then install just the tool variant you are interested in, like this:

$ aqt install-tool windows desktop tools_mingw

Please note that aqt install-tool does not recognize the installscript.qs related to each tool. When you install these tools with the standard gui installer, the installer may use the installscript.qs script to make additional changes to your system. If you need those changes to occur, it will be your responsibility to make those changes happen, because aqt is not capable of running this script.

Installing a subset of Qt archives [Advanced]


You may have noticed that by default, aqt install-qt installs a lot of archives that you may or may not need, and a typical installation can take up more disk space than necessary. If you installed the module debug_info, it may have installed more than 1 gigabyte of data. This section will help you to reduce the footprint of your Qt installation.


Be careful about using the --archives flag; it is marked Advanced for a reason! It is very easy to misuse this command and end up with a Qt installation that is missing the components that you need. Don’t use it unless you know what you are doing!

Minimum Qt Installation

Normally, when you run aqt install-qt, the program will print a long list of archives that it is downloading, extracting, and installing, including qtbase, qtmultimedia, qt3d, and ~25 more items. We can use the --archives flag to choose which of these archives we will actually install. The --archives flag can only affect two modules: the base Qt installation and the debug_info module.


In this documentation, “modules”, “archives”, and “the base Qt installation” refer to different things, and are defined here:

  • Archives: In this context, an archive is a bundle of files compressed with the 7zip algorithm. It exists on a disk drive as a file with the extension .7z.

  • Modules: The Qt repository organizes groups of archives into modules. A module contains one or more archives.

  • the base Qt installation: By definition, this is just another module that contains 20-30 archives. This documentation refers to it as the base Qt installation instead of a module for several reasons:

    • The aqt install-qt installs this module by default.

    • You cannot specify this module with aqt install-qt --modules.

    • The aqt list-qt --modules command is incapable of printing this module.

    • aqt transforms the names of modules as they exist in the Qt repository so that they are easier to read and write. If the name of the base Qt installation were transformed using the same rules, the name would be empty.

      The fully-qualified name of the base Qt installation module is usually something like qt.qt6.620.gcc_64. The fully-qualified name of the qtcharts module could be something like qt.qt6.620.qtcharts.gcc_64. It would be difficult to read and write a list of 20 modules with the prefix qt.qt6.620. and the suffix .gcc_64, because these parts are repetitive and not meaningful. Only the qtcharts part is useful.

Let’s say that we want to install Qt 5.15.2 for Linux desktop, using the gcc_64 architecture. The qtbase archive includes the bare minimum for a working Qt installation, and we can install it alone with the --archives flag:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 5.15.2 --archives qtbase

This time, aqt install-qt will only install one archive, qtbase, instead of the ~27 archives it installs by default.

Installing More Than The Bare Minimum

Let’s say that the qtbase archive is missing some features that you need. Using the --archives qtbase flag causes aqt install-qt to omit roughly 27 archives. We can print a list of these archives with the aqt list-qt --archives command:

$ aqt list-qt linux desktop --archives 5.15.2 gcc_64
icu qt3d qtbase qtconnectivity qtdeclarative qtgamepad qtgraphicaleffects qtimageformats
qtlocation qtmultimedia qtquickcontrols qtquickcontrols2 qtremoteobjects qtscxml
qtsensors qtserialbus qtserialport qtspeech qtsvg qttools qttranslations qtwayland
qtwebchannel qtwebsockets qtwebview qtx11extras qtxmlpatterns

Here, we have used the --archives flag with two arguments: the version of Qt we are interested in, and the architecture we are using. As a result, the command printed a list of archives that are part of the base (non-minimal) Qt installation.

Let’s say we need to use qtmultimedia, qtdeclarative, qtsvg, and nothing else. Remember that the qtbase archive is required for a minimal working Qt installation. We can install these archives using this command:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 5.15.2 --archives qtbase qtmultimedia qtdeclarative qtsvg

Installing Modules With Archives Specified

As of aqt v2.1.0, the --archives flag will only apply to the base Qt installation and to the debug_info module. Previous versions of aqt required that when installing modules with the --archives flag, the user must specify archives for each module, otherwise they would not be installed. This behavior has been changed to prevent such mistakes.

Let’s say that we need to install the bare minimum Qt 5.15.2, with the modules qtcharts and qtlottie:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop 5.15.2 --modules qtcharts qtlottie --archives qtbase

This command will successfully install 3 archives: 1 for qtbase, and one each for the two modules. If we had tried to use this command with previous versions of aqt, we would not have installed the two modules because we did not specify them in the --archives list.


You can still misuse the --archives flag by omitting the qtbase archive, or by omitting archives that another archive or module is dependent on. You may not notice that there is a problem until you try to compile a program, and compilation fails.

Installing the debug_info module

Now let’s say we need to install the debug_info module, which is particularly large: around one gigabyte. We do not want to install all of it, so we can use aqt install-qt --archives to choose which archives we want to install. Remember that the --archives flag

aqt list-qt --archives to print which archives are part of the debug_info module:

$ aqt list-qt linux desktop --archives 5.15.2 gcc_64 debug_info
qt3d qtbase qtcharts qtconnectivity qtdatavis3d qtdeclarative qtgamepad qtgraphicaleffects
qtimageformats qtlocation qtlottie qtmultimedia qtnetworkauth qtpurchasing qtquick3d
qtquickcontrols qtquickcontrols2 qtquicktimeline qtremoteobjects qtscript qtscxml qtsensors
qtserialbus qtserialport qtspeech qtsvg qttools qtvirtualkeyboard qtwayland qtwebchannel
qtwebengine qtwebglplugin qtwebsockets qtwebview qtx11extras qtxmlpatterns

This is a lot of archives. Note that there’s a name collision between the debug_info archives and the archives in every other module/Qt base install: this is because there’s a debug_info archive that corresponds to almost every other archive available.

Let’s install Qt with qtcharts and debug_info with some archives specified:

$ aqt install-qt linux desktop --modules qtcharts debug_info \
                               --archives qtcharts qtbase qtdeclarative

Notice what we did here: We specified the qtcharts and debug_info modules, and we specified the qtbase, qtcharts, and qtdeclarative archives. This will install a total of 6 archives:

  • the 3 archives named qtbase, qtcharts, and qtdeclarative from the debug_info module,

  • the 1 archive qtcharts from the qtcharts module, and

  • the 2 archives qtbase and qtdeclarative from the base Qt installation.


At present, aqt install-qt is incapable of installing any archive from the debug_info module without also installing the corresponding module from the base Qt installation. For instance, you cannot install the debug_info archive for qtbase without also installing the usual qtbase archive.